Evolutionary Psychiatry.org
This page provides access to relevant resources while a website is being created
The Evolutionary Psychiatry Network
Take a moment to add your information to a searchable online database to facilitate connections with scientists, scholars, clinicians and students who are interested in evolutionary medicine. There is no charge, you can choose what information to share, and email addresses will be used only for occasional notifications of events and new resources.
Groups and Organizations
The Royal College of Psychiatrists Evolutionary Psychiatry Special Interest Group sponsors events and a regular online newsletter. See the website at EPSIG.org for more information. The group also sponsors a YouTube channel with over 40 videos.
The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland has a YouTube Channel with wonderful talks.
The World Psychiatry Organization section on Evolutionary Psychiatry.
Chair: Riad Abed Co-chair: Annie Swanepoel Secretary: Henry O'Connell
See the website for more information.
This webpage can be reached at http://evolutionarymedicine.org/
Send suggestions for edits and additions to manager@evolutionarypsychiatry.org
Relevant articles from Google Scholar
2016-present Articles with "evolutionary psychiatry" appearing in the title.
2023 Articles with "evolutionary psychiatry" appearing anywhere in the article
2022 Articles with "evolutionary psychiatry" appearing anywhere in the article
2021 Articles with "evolutionary psychiatry" appearing anywhere in the article
2020 Articles with "evolutionary psychiatry" appearing anywhere in the article
Past events
Zurich Institute for Evolutionary Medicine and Zoom
May 15 in the morning Eastern time, a symposium on evolutionary psychiatry
Sunday May 21, 2023 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM PDT Darkness Illuminated: How Evolutionary Psychiatry Can Shed New Light on Depression and Improve Clinical Care. Speaker(s): Chair: Christopher Gurguis Presenter: Randolph Nesse, M.D. Presenter: Consuelo Walss-Bass, Ph.D..
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM PDT Evolutionary Psychiatry: How an Evolutionary Framework Increases Patient Engagement, Treatment Effectiveness, and Clinician Wellbeing. Speaker(s): Chair: Cynthia M. Stonnington, M.D. Presenter: Dan Stein, M.D., Ph.D. Presenter: Randolph Nesse, M.D. Presenter: Kathy Smith, M.D.