Highly Cited Publications
The Dawn of Darwinian medicine, 1991
Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine, 1995
Good Reasons for Bad Feelings: Insights from the Frontier of Evolutionary Psychiatry, 2019
An evolutionary perspective on psychiatry, 1984
Maladaptation and natural selection, 2005
The evolution of hope and despair. 1999.
Nesse, Dawkins: Evolutionary Medicine chapter in Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 2019
Five evolutionary principles for understanding cancer 2017.
On the difficulty of defining disease, 2001
Natural selection and the regulation of defensive responses-Smoke Detector Principle 2005.
What good is feeling bad? The evolutionary utility of psychic pain, 1991.
What is Evolutionary Medicine?
Making evolution a basic science for medicine, PNAS, 2009
Cliff-edged fitness functions and schizophrenia, 2004
How to Test an Evolutionary Hypothesis, 2011
Tinbergen's Four Questions Organized, TREE, 2013
The Smoke Detector Principle, EMPH, 2018
Core Concepts of Evolutionary Medicine, 2017
Evolutionary explanations of emotions, 1990
Evolutionary foundations for psychiatric research and practice, 2018
Evolutionary psychology and mental health. 2015
Why has natural selection left us so vulnerable to anxiety and mood disorders?, 2011
Nesse & Foxman: Evolution of sexually transmitted diseases, NYAS, 2011
Social selection and the origins of culture, 2010
Time for truly biological psychiatry, Brit. J. Psychiatry, 2009
Explaining depression: Neuroscience is not enough, evolution is essential, 2009
Evolution, emotions and emotional disorders, American Psychologist, 2009
Evolution: Medicine's most basic science, Lancet, 2008
Runaway social selection for displays of partner value and altruism, Biological Theory, 2007
The Great opportunity: Evolutionary applications to medicine and public health, Applied Evolution, 2008