Misheva, T., Nesse, R. M., Grunspan, D. Z., & Brownell, S. E. (2023). The EvMed Assessment: A test for measuring student understanding of core concepts in evolutionary medicine. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, 11(1), 353–362.
Nesse RM: An evolutionary perspective on psychiatry. Comprehensive Psychiatry 25:575-580, 1984.
Williams GW, Nesse RM: The dawn of Darwinian medicine. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 66:1-22, 1991.
Nesse, Dawkins: Evolutionary Medicine chapter in Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 2019
Nesse RM: Ten questions for evolutionary studies of disease vulnerability, Evol Apps, 2011
Darwinian Medicine, Encyclopedia Britannica
Nesse & Schulkin: An evolutionary medicine perspective on pain and its disorders. PhilTransRS B, 2019
Nesse & Natterson-Horowitz: Evolutionary Medicine, a great way to teach biology, 2019
Grunspan, et al., Core Concepts of Evolutionary Medicine, 2017
Nesse RM, Williams GC: Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine, Times Books, New York, 1995. Also published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London as Evolution and Healing: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine. Translations completed or underway to German, Italian, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish. Das bild Wissenschaft . Book of the Year-1997.
What is Evolutionary Medicine?
Antolin, et al. Evolution and medicine in undergraduate education: A prescription for all biology students, Evolution, 2012
Nesse: Core Principles for Evolutionary Medicine, 2019
Nesse & Dawkins: Evolutionary medicine chapter in Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 2010
Nesse RM, Stearns SC: The Great Opportunity: Evolutionary Applications in Medicine. Evolutionary Applications, 1 (1): 28-48, 2008
Nesse RM, Lloyd, AT: The Evolution of Psychodynamic Mechanisms, in The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture. Edited by Barkow J, Cosmides L and Tooby J. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, pp. 601-626, 1992.
Nesse RM, Bergstrom CT, Ellison PT, Flier JS, Gluckman P, Govindaraju DR, Niethammer D, Omenn GS, Perlman RL, Schwartz MD, Thomas MG, Stearns SC, Valle D. Making evolutionary biology a basic science for medicine. PNAS;107(Suppl 1):1800-8007, 2010. (How and why to incorporate evolutionary biology into the medical curriculum)
Nesse RM. Ten questions for evolutionary studies of disease vulnerability. Evolutionary Applications;4(2):264-77, 2011.
Nesse, RM: Natural selection and the regulation of defensive responses. Evolution and Human Behavior, 26(1) 88-105, 2005. (Smoke detector principle, updated)
Nesse RM: Evolutionary explanations of emotions. Human Nature, 1: 261-289, 1990.
Nesse, RM On the difficulty of defining disease: A Darwinian perspective. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 4:37-46, 2001. New translations available in French and German. See Kransheitstheorien edited by Thomas Schramme, Suhrkamp, 2012, and Philosophie de la medecine by Elodie Grioux et Mael Lemoine, Librairie Phiolsophique J. VRIN, Sorbonne, 2012.
Nesse, RM: Evolutionary Psychology and Mental Health. Pages 903-937 in Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, Edited by David Buss, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken , NJ, 2005.
Nesse RM: An evolutionary perspective on psychiatry. Comparative Psychiatry 25:575-580, 1984.
Nesse RM. Ten questions for evolutionary studies of disease vulnerability. Evolutionary Applications;4(2):264-77, 2011.
Nesse RM: Why so many people with selfish genes are pretty nice--Except for their hatred of The Selfish Gene. In Alan Grafen and Matt Ridley, The Selfish Gene at 30, Oxford University Press, London, 2008
Nesse RM: Runaway Social Selection for Displays of Partner Value and Altruism, Biological Theory 2 (2): 143-155, 2007.
Nesse RM. Social selection and the origins of culture. In: Schaller M, Heine SJ, Norenzayan A, Yamagishi T, Kameda T, editors. Evolution, culture, and the human mind. Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press. p. 137-50, 2010.